COPD Device Wins International Award For Groundbreaking Technology

COPD Device Wins International Award For Groundbreaking Technology

Aerobika Oscillating Positive Expiratory Pressure (PEP) Therapy SystemThe Aerobika Oscillating Positive Expiratory Pressure (PEP) Therapy System used by patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) won Gold at the Medical Design Excellence Awards (MDEA), a contest that recognizes innovative medical devices that are able to improve patients’ care and quality of life.

Aerobika, a drug-free, user friendly and portable device, was designed and launched worldwide in November 2013 to help people with COPD breathe easier. Jason Suggett, Group Director, Science and Technology for the company, recently noted that the research and development that led to the launch of the device was fraught with obstacles. He explained through the company’s official page that, “in order to ensure that it would provide the patient benefits we were striving to meet whilst also being extremely user friendly.”

According to the information on the Monaghan Medical Corporation website, who distributes the device in the U.S., Aerobika helps to prevent infections in COPD patients, and has an impact in patients’ quality of life by reducing dyspnea, hyperinflation, and by increasing gas distribution within 4 weeks of use. The results were observed in a study conducted at Robarts Research Institute (London), which also suggested a greater tolerance for exercise in patients using the device, as well as a lower cough frequency.

To Mitchell Baran, chairman and CEO of the device’s parent company, Trudell Medical Group, Aerobika meets several of the specific needs of COPD patients and the company’s goals to “ensure the patients can maintain their treatments to control their symptoms, breathe easier, enjoy a better quality of life and ultimately, stay out of hospital.”

Aerobika was evaluated by a panel of doctors, nurses and technicians, designers, engineers, manufacturers who took in consideration five criteria: manufacturing and technological innovation, design and engineering breakthrough, patients’, business and healthcare industry’s benefits.

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